Work Programme

Work Programme 2022-2024


  1. Respond to Department requests on an EU proposal of a Directive on harmonising certain aspects of substantive law on insolvency proceedings.
  2. Review the obligations outlined in relation to the directors’ compliance statement in the Companies Act 2014, and, if appropriate, make recommendations as to how these might be enhanced in the interest of good corporate governance.
  3. Review appropriateness and utility of Parts 23 and 24 of the Companies Act 2014 in the context of how the financial markets and their regulation have developed.
  4. On the issue of corporate purpose, participate in Departmental public consultations in respect of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and proposed Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and consider issues arising as requested.
  5. Review examinership law in the context of applying the optional articles of the Preventive Restructuring Directive, having regard to developments at domestic, EU and international level.
  6. Engagement with Department on relevant legislative proposals concerning Limited Partnerships and Co-operative Societies.


  1. Provide ongoing advice to the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment in relation to EU, Brexit and international proposals on company law.
  2. Examine and make recommendations on whether it will be necessary or desirable to amend company law in line with recent case law and submissions received regarding the Companies Act 2014.
  3. Review enforcement provisions of company law and, if appropriate, make recommendations for change.